Welcome to the Retinal Vasculopathy with Cerebral Leukodystrophy (RVCL) Research Center patient care registry. This website is for patients with RVCL, their family members and friends, and physicians who care for patients with RVCL.
Our center performs research on RVCL, conducts therapeutic treatment trials, provides genetic testing services and distributes educational information about RVCL. As part of our research studies, we obtain medical records, DNA specimens, and biological samples (blood and urine) from patients and their family members worldwide. These items will help us identify disease-progression biomarkers of RVCL and may lead to new drug targets for therapeutic trials.
Individuals who have been diagnosed with RVCL, as well as family and friends, may be eligible to participate in our various studies. By signing up, we may contact you in the future to discuss your interests and what studies may be available. You can also join our mailing list to keep updated on new information about RVCL. Click on the links below to consider being part of our studies and/or to join the mailing list.
Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding our RVCL clinical studies, please reach out.

Please only provide very basic contact information in your initial email. When we receive your message, we will reply with instructions for secure email communication.
We value your privacy and take great care to follow trusted web standards in protecting any information submitted or collected during your visit to this website. Read the website privacy policy for School of Medicine websites to learn more.